CI&T Mural

CI&T Mural

CI&T provides strategic planning, research, design and engineering services to businesses all over the world. The mural in their new Oakland headquarters includes iconic elements representing some of their locations around the world. Linear graphic elements allude to their global prescence and the unifying services CI&T provides to their clients.

Queen Elizabeth Detail
The Queen

Representations for the London office

Rio Christ Detail
Global Connections

The primary mural is situated in the lounge where employees and clients can have casual conversations.

Wayne Gretzky Detail
Wayne Gretzky

Representing the Canadian office

Statue of Liberty Detail

The Statue of Liberty standing for America.

Design by Impact Mural
Design by Impact

Ajoining mural design references the connections that CI&T helps organizations to achieve.

Unicorn Detail

Fun elements referencing popular cultural find their place in the mural