Principal graphic designer for The Tenderloin Museum’s history exhibit. Worked with client content to develop design vocabulary for interpretive graphics.
Agency: West Office Exhibition Design Art Director: Steve Wiersma
The Red Light District
A wall of stories and photographs talk about how the Tenderloin became the entertainment hub of San Francisco.
Area Introduction Graphic
Single Room Occupancy hotels developed in the Tenderloin to quickly house all the people displaced by the great 1906 earthquake.
Rail Wall: 1960s Tenderloin
The Tenderloin has always been a melting-pot due to its affordability. Many new immigrants found their start in the Tenderloin.
Rebuilding after the 1906 Quake
Stories, photographs and videos explore the development of the Tenderloin after the 1906 earthquake and fires that destroyed much of San Francisco.
Design Vocabulary
Developed of the look and feel of graphics and various levels of content that tell the story of the Tenderloin.
Tenderloin Nightlife
The Tenderloin became the place to experience music, gambling and the best nightlife the city had to offer.